Wednesday, October 24, 2007

it has been 4 days since alvin and jenny got married.

gorgeous. elegant. lovely.

all the things that alvin and jenny are...their wedding echoed them. i'm not even going to try to describe it. i'll just say this: what. a kick ass. party. :D (oh, and i think i'm still full from all of the food i ate over the weekend.)

i couldn't help thinking when i saw alvin walk down the aisle, that this was really it...we were really letting him go. this was basically the last thing he's doing in michigan before heading off to the east coast. i mean, he's been in d.c. for almost a year now, but now he and jenny are married. one. starting a brand new life together. to me, it was like the wedding made his move official. i'm so excited for everything they have ahead of them. i love how perfect they are together, and i love how well they compliment each other and how much they love each other. i miss my friend being in michigan, but more than that i am thrilled that he and his perfect mate get to be together forever! it sounds so corny, but a relationship like theirs really has to be celebrated these days.

so congratulations, alvin and jenny! i love you both to a million pieces! muah!

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