Monday, July 28, 2003

(what's with this template changing all the time???)

it's an emotional day. the last time it was this bad, i cried during space camp when they made it back to earth. don't laugh. it's can cause a tear or two. (or not...i'm sure you're laughing anyway.) i'm not sure guys quite appreciate the absence of moodiness caused by hormonal imbalance. it's a real thing. on a somewhat related sidenote....i remember g once putting menstrual cramps into perspective for guys: it's like someone kicking you in the nuts as hard as possible at any given time of any given day once a month. although i don't think the pain is quite the same, a guy could definitely relate.

Friday, July 25, 2003

oh, to not have the scent of bug spray mixed with sweat and the outside exuding from me....

Friday, July 18, 2003

i cannot stress enough how much i despise walking through woods.

check this out.


so cute i might puke. and is that my brother blogging? out.

Tuesday, July 15, 2003

people might say this all the time, but i think it's really true when i say that i have the greatest greatest friends in all the world. eric and i have the most beatiful and fun and caring and helpful bridal party EVER. ever ever ever ever ever. 10 weeks and counting....

Friday, July 11, 2003

my feet hurt. i feel like i did dance marathon...without the 30 hours of non-sleep.

Monday, July 07, 2003

there are a lot of words that i don't know. like when some of you blog, i have to look up a lot of words. my sister once used fortuitous in a blog. i don't think i could ever know the definition of that word cold enough to even use it in a sentence. perhaps i should start reading more than harry potter.....i thought i was in a book club.......

Tuesday, July 01, 2003

who's a star in their car?

you know what i'm talking about: singing your brains out with full out emotion at the top of your voice...and as far as you're concerned you ARE the STAR of the road/city/whatever you're in. why don't we all have karaoke cd's in our cars? (remember when cassette singles always had an instrumental version on side B?)