Monday, November 05, 2001

what a weekend. i just finished watching the tape of the performances, and everyone rocked. funktion brought it. 2xs was amazing. i was so impressed. amazing. i'm just so proud of all of them...what a great first performance. =D what a great weekend. i don't think i've ever seen so many people from michigan while not in michigan. time was definitely fully maximized, though limited. we got into chicago a little late because of running late, traffic, accidents and ryan and alvin needing to buy work out benches (kidding, guys!) before they i was a little worried that people wouldn't want to go out because they were tired. they were, but we went out anyway to zentra. crazy fun....ran into college roommates (!?), funny inebriated frineds, hip hop was times. =D watched monster, inc....soo good. boo might be the cutest thing to ever be cute. then u of i. ahh. practically all of umich 2xs--old and new-- was there, practically all of funktion was there. i can't believe how many people showed up. the only bad part was all the driving we had to do. let me just say that the drive from u of i to chicago at 4am is very very difficult. tunnel vision. but it was all worth it. seeing all our friends...really it's priceless. just like the commercial says. haha. i have great friends. beautiful people, they are. i'm so blessed.

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