Friday, August 23, 2002

how necessary is it to actually do work when everyone else in your group is absent? i've been here for an hour and a half and haven't done a darn thing. i lie. i found 5 potential foyer tables for my mom. sooooo bored!!! someone im me, please! fung is apparently too busy to recieve my random banter cuz her away message is up. i kinda hope no one shows up so i can sneak out early. heehee...then i can find a pretty cake for g and mad's first anniversary. =P

i found out yesterday that i have spend my birthday at a site and then spend the evening in a three-hour review class for the first exam that i have to pass to be a licensed professional engineer. it's like a pre-boards exam you have to take before you take the actual boards. yuck. this whole working on my birthday is a new thing to me. i did it last year for the first time and i didn't tell anyone at work that it was my birthday. i felt so alone. and now i have to spend my birthday looking at stormwater sewers with a bunch of strangers. i think maybe i've been too spoiled on my birthdays in the past....

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