Friday, December 13, 2002

been out of commission for the last couple days. my office manager knows that i'm on drugs and lots of pain so OF COURSE he has someone call me yesterday to bug me to do work that he failed to tell anyone he wanted it two days ago. wanted. not needed. see, it's not so much that i mind it when people call me and i'm sick. if they need work from me, then of course i'll do my best to get it to them. BUT! why bother me if you know that you won't need it until i'm gonna be back????? WHY?!! it amazes me that people get promoted to senior positions without any common sense. i mean, really....all ya gotta do is work that brain for a second (aka THINK) and people won't hate you. as much. ha.

anyway..drugs are definitely kicking in. painkillers = good. =) i wish they would invent de-swelling drugs. i look like i gained a hundred pounds. my manager told me today that i look like a completely different person. gee. thanks. just what i needed. while true, didn't need the reinforcement. =P

happy friday!!

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