Thursday, February 06, 2003

are you neurotic? sometimes i feel like i'm neurotic cuz i tend to double and triple check things are done....but then i don't know if i'm neurotic or straight up memento. it starts with waking up. i NEVER hear my alarm. ever. and lately i've been setting four. yes. 4. all different. and yet..i wake up an hour and a half after the last alarm, never having heard it and, sure enough, all alarms have been manually turned off. and locking my car door. i don't ever remember doing it, but i always have to unlock it when i go to leave. everytime i step into a building: "did i lock my doors?" huh. maybe it's more second nature than forgetfulness. if it stopped with missed alarms and door locking, i wouldn't worry so much. but at work i forget if i've made phone calls or looked something up. (this is why post-its are your friend.) or maybe i just don't pay enough attention. when people give me information at work, it sticks for like a second...then woooooooo.....byebye. forgotten. again i go to ask the stupid question. and are your friend. i don't know how i can remember all these stupid little facts and not remember stuff that just happened.'s like memento. is that a real disease??

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