Wednesday, January 07, 2004

i feel really bad. i sent a report to one of the project managers that always gives me work...and he called back: "is there something wrong? usually your reports are impeccable and i'm sending you a lot of comments." dangit. first of all, i didn't think that he thought my work was impeccable...especially since i felt he was pretty hard on me when i first started doing work for him. and second, i hate disappointing people. he thought i was suffering from a concussion or something. well i'm suffering from being constantly nauseated and crazy hormone changes, but i haven't told my manager yet and i didn't think he should be the first to know. bleh. work stuff. i'll get over it. and just to add to my day...i finally get my butt out of bed early enough that i'll be on time for work and it takes me two hours to get here. *sigh*

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