Wednesday, March 10, 2004

i just noticed that the blogger ad at the top of my page corresponds to the day's post. like for my last post...there were ads about swimming with dolphins and personlized pregnancy calendars. creepy.

i'm picking up lorie from the airport tomorrow. that will be my 6th time in two weeks that i've been there. that's a lot.

i just got back from mississippi. memphis, actually. i was barely in mississippi. but i feel i was in mississippi long enough to mark it off on my "states i've visited map". my hotel was really close to graceland, but i didn't go. i did eat fried pickles and a bbq sandwich and a mississippi mud pie. i felt it was appropriate, being in the south and all. fried pickles are interesting. think blooming onion (including the sauce) but pickle instead of onion. like i said: interesting. who would ever think to fry a pickle?

i think about food a lot these days. i'm gonna have to buy new pants soon.

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