Wednesday, June 15, 2005

..aand they're back! the pistons have emerged from whatever rock they've been playing under the past two games and took it to san antonio. yesss!! *arm pump*

you know, it's not just up to the pistons. it's up to all of us. yes, it matters that eric and i watch the away games in alvin's living room with chrissy, alvin, j, and chris. and it matters where we sit. and it matters if we wear our jerseys. apparently it also matters that if the jersey has not been washed since the beginning of playoffs, it will remain unwashed until we win the championship. i think for these big games, it's important that i fall asleep at halftime. i know! it's crazy that i can even sleep through any of the game. but lately, i canNOT keep my eyes open. i've been so tired. but it works, so should i really complain? you gotta do what you gotta do to win....

by the way, i'm jealous that you guys got to see stevie wonder perform live.

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