Wednesday, January 25, 2006

my head hurts, but it only hurts this bad after i've been working. it doesn't take much work for my head to start hurting. i think my body is trying to tell me something. "stop working" perhaps? i mean, when your body is telling you something in the form of pain, it might be good to listen to it, right?

i once told eric that i wanted to ask bill gates (or any equally rich gazillionaire) for a million dollars. that's like $20 to any of us regular joe schmoes. then i wouldn't have to work where i work. of course i would share it. it would be quite selfish of me to keep the whole million to myself. wouldn't that be nice? then it wouldn't be so scary to open up, say...A Bun In The Oven with mads. that makes me giggle. it's pure genius (and all madeleine, i might add). a bakery in the front with an ob office in the back. "enjoy a cinnamon roll and de-caf coffee while you wait!" if only...

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