Monday, June 03, 2002

happy birthday chrislum!!! woohoo! the big two-seven yesterday! you're a big boy now....;D hope you had a great day...i think the lakers won just cuz it was your birthday. lucky you. go nets.

let me just say that palak had the best graduation party. the enormous inflated twister mat made it. ddt amoung booo-ga-looo psycho jumping was ridiculous fun. we all need one in our backyards. =)

i'm moving to a bigger cube on the fun side of the office...not that my cube isn't big already. if i reach both of my arms out,my fingers barely rest on the desks on opposite sides of my cube now...and i get a BIGGER one! i think the extra space will speak to my manager as "more work" which we won't think about right now. i better move my stuff now so the new girl can take over my cube. =P

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