Friday, September 06, 2002

ahhh...friday. =)

why did this week seem so long? and it was a short week...i hope i'm not getting bored. i fear that i'm one of those restless people that can't stay at a job for too long cuz the novelty wears off and it becomes old and then you become antsy after 6 months to a year. maybe i need to get on those guitar lessons. or just dance more. i'm sooo excited to start hiphop classes...eric got them for me for my birthday (thanks, baby!) and him and martin are taking them, too. woohoo!! we're practically a dance group again. and to reciprocate martin's sentiments....i LOVE having lunch with martin. =) it's so nice to have a good friend to chill with in the middle of the day to escape work for an hour (or two...hahaha). and it's good when your friend gets your money back for contaminated taco bell.

happy birthday to gary g!!!

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