Tuesday, January 28, 2003

ahh..the daily afternoon debate: do i go home now that it's five? or do i stay because i woke up at 8:30 and didn't get in until 10?

it's like the daily morning debate: should i call in sick?

raise your hand if you're with me.

on one hand i feel really bad about coming in late and not working a whole day. but then i think about all those nights i was up til 3 am finishing reports because of impossible deadlines and i think, "ARE YOU CRAZY?! GO HOME!" my work ethic fluctuates so much, and i can't decide if i want to be a diligent little worker bee or just do enough to make people think i'm the diligent little worker bee and barely get by. but then is my "get by" work ethic more than what people expect and if so, should that be enough for me?

it was 20 degrees outside today. it's practically spring! =P

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