Monday, June 14, 2004

i can't remember the last time i felt well rested. i finally finished up these reports that have been looming over me for the past three weeks. *exhale* i can finally clean up my desk. i want to clean my desk and then go home and sleep.

the baby's moving a ton these days. it's really funny because you can see my tummy move when he does. i guess it's not that funny...but i'm pretty easily amused these days (more so than usual, haha). i think it's the hormones. (although it's probably because i'm a big dork.) eight more weeks til isaiah's e.t.a. eric thinks he'll be early. eight weeks!!! that's nothing! think of how fast the year has gone by day feels like ages ago, and the first session of outdoor is already over. (i got sunburned again, btw...not doing so well for the non-tanline look i'm going for for ny and lorie's wedding.) i hope the rest of life doesn't go by this fast. i do like time better when it slows down....

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