Thursday, March 28, 2002

9:42am. less than 24 hours since i've left 85 degree weather. at least detroit didn't meet us with snow. it's actually supposed to be nice today...nice being a relative term. nice weather because apparently it was snowing while we were on the beach....not so nice weather because it's not warm enough to sport flip flops and shorts. was fun and the fun has travelled to michigan. i can't believe how many people are going to be back come tomorrow. this is nuts. and why am i at work? everyone in my group is on vacation, why am i here? i snoozed for a good 45 minutes this morning debating whether or not to come in. i conclude that practicing til 3am is not a healthy activity. i don't know how martin does it....anyway...i feel the tired but past exhaustion that you're on the brink of delirium right now.

sleep is good. very very good.

i envy those of you who are sleeping right now. i should be, too. =P i suppose it's time to be somewhat productive now that i've dragged myself into work......

Friday, March 22, 2002

la la la...going to miami!!! i had lunch with martin today and his excitement is contagious...and he's not even going to miami. he's just excited to see everyone next week. gotta love that guy. i slipped into a little bit of a food coma after lunch, tho', cuz martin decided to be daring and not go to taco bell for lunch and get soup at tim horton's instead. foooood commmmma....i hope that this isn't what will always happen now that i've cut back on caffeine. i haven't had coffee in forever and i've limited pop intake to once a day or average. ;D there are some days that are worse than others.

really, i shouldn't have to work. i can't concentrate. don't wanna work. need to get to warm weather and beach. it's way too cold snowed again today. ha. nice spring. for's gonna snow in june. i feel it. what if that really happened? okay...must focus...maybe i'll go practice the dance in the bathroom....

Thursday, March 21, 2002

i'm in a weird mood. i'm not sad but i'm definitely not joyous...and i should be. i'm going to miami on saturday to meet up with some of the greatest people in the world to dance and not dance. beach. friends. dancing. no work. blechh. i need to shake it. chrissy's right. victor's coming in today...woohoo! the fun begins. who'd a thunk that we'd ever get those cali boys to come to michigan to hang out? even james is coming next weekend (along with jon and hong and george!). just a sign of the ridiculous amounts of good times that are about to ensue...

in sam's words: it is officially not a game. ;D

Monday, March 18, 2002

alvin might be right when he said that david copperfield has demonic powers. i don't know how he does the stuff that he does. i left the show yesterday more puzzled than entertained....i mean, almost 24 hours later, i'm still puzzled and bothered.

i don't get it. ;=|

someone should really sign up to be on his tour for the next 5 years so you can tell me all his secrets.

Friday, March 15, 2002

went to the steven curtis chapman concert last night at hill...

amazing. it's beyond my vocabulary.

so much talent and so full of Spirit. the man played 5 different guitars. 2 acoustics (needed two cuz one had a capo), a 12-string acoustic, an electric guitar and a 12-string electric. conehead and i were in awe. and we were 5th row center so we could watch in awe in detail. a lot of the second half of his show was telling the incredible story of the auca indians in the amazon jungle and their change of heart and way of me hope that people aren't as bad or as mean as they appear to be. take for instance the mean person that's impersonated everyone on everyone else's comments. i really don't know what motivates people to be so mean. i mean if they think it's funny, well then haha i laugh at your immaturity and naivete that those to whom you target with your mean comments will actually care what you think or believe you are the person you're pretending to be...and frankly, i don't care about the comments. see, the thing is...i find that most people are inherently nice and are only mean for a few reasons. either they're angry and emotions get the better of them and meanness ensues but not on purpose, they want revenge and want to feel better or they have one or many insecurities, may or may not be aware of it, and need to put other people down to make themselves feel better....and it's usually the latter. so, mean commenter, my prayer for you is that you address and remedy whatever your issue(s) is/are and direct that energy along a more positive line...because acting out like that (which i'm guessing is pretty frequent for you) for whatever reason will only get you in the wrong place when it really matters.

Wednesday, March 13, 2002

it's been one of those weeks where i don't feel like doing anything. i'm entirely unproductive at's amazing how hard it is to waste time sometimes. =P both of my managers are gone and yesterday i was pretty much the only one on my side of the building. what to do what to do....i'm not particularly inspired nor am i in what you would call a good mood. i guess i just felt like blogging cuz yesterday i wanted to blog, but the stinkin' server was being whack, so i couldn't get in blogger to blog. i wish i weren't feeling so yechh cuz it's gorgeous outside. back to "work"...

Friday, March 08, 2002

i am addicted to bejeweled. must keep clie off. must focus on work....what is it about those games in which the object is to line up 3 of the same thing? i'm addicted to all of them....

Thursday, March 07, 2002

March 7, 1995:

7 years and counting....


Wednesday, March 06, 2002

so dinner buddy and i are finally gonna have dinner tonight...after a 2 month (almost) hiatus. it was getting ridiculous. i thought i was gonna have to cancel again today, cuz being a girl sucks, but i think i'll live through this one...last time i died, but this time i don't think i have to. plus, the inventors of aleve are great people. great. anyway...dinner buddy and i were planning a fun night that only kinda involved dinner...more of a grab mcdonalds or toxic hell and then go boarding!!..except i just got back from getting a new drivers license (i forgot to blog about the retard that i am cuz i lost my new wallet with money in it, which is rare, and my world in it--okay, tangent..) and i didn't wear a coat once i felt the temperature as i stepped out the door.

stupid michigan weather. all the snow that fell last night is all gone. not even a little melted. ALL GONE. =( ugh.

Tuesday, March 05, 2002

don't wanna work i don't wanna work!!! can i just be five so i can throw a tantrum, get my way, and get to go to my room? although, i don't think i really threw tantrums when i was a kid...not like you read about in books or see on tv....i mean, i used to fight really loud with my brother, but i don't think that qualifies as a tantrum. and why was going to your room the standard punishment? come to think about it...i don't think i ever got sent to my room either. but now it would be nice cuz then i could just sleep in my comfy bed with lots of pillows. hmm. i'm waiting for my manager to get out of a meeting so i can take some report out to detroit. i'm glad i get to leave the office....times like this i'm glad i'm at the junior level. no one really expects much...

Monday, March 04, 2002

my monitor is blurry. i'm not sure when this happened, but i'm pretty sure it wasn't fuzzy when i logged in this morning. =( i pretty much destroyed one of the buttons on my monitor...the stupid thing got stuck and kept flashing through the different options.

note to self: mechanical pencils do not unstick those little buttons on the front of your monitor.

fun weekend...we went to gameworks on saturday to celebrate j and eric's bdays...we were lucky enough to find tables to fit us all. but there was no karaoke, so boo...but there was a guy wearing a silver sequined jacket calling bingo (????), which was kinda funny. i felt bad that he had to wear it, but i guess if he was getting paid.... my arms are sore from playing the free throw game...i actually beat eric once, but he was drinking and i'm sure he would have kicked my ass on any other occassion. all in weekend. except yesterday i found out that my cousin's birthday party was on saturday and i completely forgot. i am the worst cousin in the world.

Friday, March 01, 2002

happy birthday eric and j!!! actually, it was yesterday, but i was gone all day and i kinda hate using my computer at home cuz i'm on one all day at work, so i didn't get to blog....eric's the big's the silver anniversary of his birth! hehe...i think it's funny to think of birthdays that way. why do birthdays get their own name anyway? when you get married you have an anniversary...but why isn't it referred to as your weddingday? or marriageday? i admit that those sound a little silly, but i bet birthday would, too if we didn't always call it that...stupid little things that i ponder...

it's freezing in my office right now...i don't understand why these people think that just cuz it's sunny outside that it's also warm. i spent all day yesterday in the freezing cold. yes. outdoors. it was cool cuz i got to get out of the office, but it wasn't cool that we were further north (hence, colder) and outside all day taking groundwater samples. water. water that freezes if you spill it on your nitrile gloves that don't keep you warm at all. brrrrr. i get cold thinking about it. and me and chris gave up coffee, so i can't even warm myself up with that. probably better anyway...i need to lay off the caffeine. i'm reminded once again by friggin mother nature how much caffeine hurts me. yechh.. i hate being a girl.