Friday, March 15, 2002

went to the steven curtis chapman concert last night at hill...

amazing. it's beyond my vocabulary.

so much talent and so full of Spirit. the man played 5 different guitars. 2 acoustics (needed two cuz one had a capo), a 12-string acoustic, an electric guitar and a 12-string electric. conehead and i were in awe. and we were 5th row center so we could watch in awe in detail. a lot of the second half of his show was telling the incredible story of the auca indians in the amazon jungle and their change of heart and way of me hope that people aren't as bad or as mean as they appear to be. take for instance the mean person that's impersonated everyone on everyone else's comments. i really don't know what motivates people to be so mean. i mean if they think it's funny, well then haha i laugh at your immaturity and naivete that those to whom you target with your mean comments will actually care what you think or believe you are the person you're pretending to be...and frankly, i don't care about the comments. see, the thing is...i find that most people are inherently nice and are only mean for a few reasons. either they're angry and emotions get the better of them and meanness ensues but not on purpose, they want revenge and want to feel better or they have one or many insecurities, may or may not be aware of it, and need to put other people down to make themselves feel better....and it's usually the latter. so, mean commenter, my prayer for you is that you address and remedy whatever your issue(s) is/are and direct that energy along a more positive line...because acting out like that (which i'm guessing is pretty frequent for you) for whatever reason will only get you in the wrong place when it really matters.

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