Friday, March 01, 2002

happy birthday eric and j!!! actually, it was yesterday, but i was gone all day and i kinda hate using my computer at home cuz i'm on one all day at work, so i didn't get to blog....eric's the big's the silver anniversary of his birth! hehe...i think it's funny to think of birthdays that way. why do birthdays get their own name anyway? when you get married you have an anniversary...but why isn't it referred to as your weddingday? or marriageday? i admit that those sound a little silly, but i bet birthday would, too if we didn't always call it that...stupid little things that i ponder...

it's freezing in my office right now...i don't understand why these people think that just cuz it's sunny outside that it's also warm. i spent all day yesterday in the freezing cold. yes. outdoors. it was cool cuz i got to get out of the office, but it wasn't cool that we were further north (hence, colder) and outside all day taking groundwater samples. water. water that freezes if you spill it on your nitrile gloves that don't keep you warm at all. brrrrr. i get cold thinking about it. and me and chris gave up coffee, so i can't even warm myself up with that. probably better anyway...i need to lay off the caffeine. i'm reminded once again by friggin mother nature how much caffeine hurts me. yechh.. i hate being a girl.

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