Tuesday, April 30, 2002


lion y lion!! can mufasa and simba beat out the classic voltron?

(7) The Lion King

(2) Voltron (Lions)

Place your vote via comment. Voting for this game ends 5/2, 9pm EST.


boy vs. girl as the two heroes fight for a chance in round 3. will it be batman? will it be mulan? vote now!

(10) Batman Beyond

(15) Mulan

Place your vote via comment. Voting for this game ends 5/2, 9pm EST.


the pocket monsters enter round 2 fully recharged, screaming their names, ready to battle it out with the robotech crew.

(5) Robotech

(4) Pokemon

Place your vote via comment. Voting for this game ends 5/2, 9pm EST.

it's round TWO of the cartoon tourney...don't let your favorite cartoon go down! vote vote vote!! everyone vote, everyone vote once. do it now!

don't forget to visit the the other regional games: superlum, munfung, pogiboy

for the official tourney bracket click here


will garfield have enough in him to make it through round two?

(1) The Simpsons

(9) Garfield

Place your vote via comment. Voting for this game ends 5/2, 9pm EST.

Monday, April 29, 2002

amit and karina are FUN. and they have fun favorites. go see.

Sunday, April 28, 2002

part 1 RESULTS:

the princess of power fails to upset the robotech crew and advances with a mere 2 votes over greyskull, mulan edges out the tiny toons and batman beyond squeaks by old school d&d in a tiebreaking vote. make sure your favorite cartoon gets the credit they deserve! voting for the final round 1 battles ends tomorrow at 9pm EST. see the official bracketf or tourney results and schedule.

it's a blah day. very blah. not really feeling one extreme or the other. blaaahhhh....i hate rain. rain, rain go away. my brother has chubby cheeks!!! hehe...looks like a chipmunk cuz he got his wisdom teeth pulled. aww....but he can't eat real food. i brought home pizza house chicken tenders and fries and he couldn't eat any. that sucks. =P i need to get my wisdom teeth pulled. i'm a little hesitant, tho, cuz i hear sometimes they have to break your jaw and i don't want anyone to break my jaw. but one of my teeth grew in sideways...ewwwwww. at least i won't have to take vacation day to get them pulled...stupid me thought i would! but i guess it counts as a sick day.....blah blah blah. hope the sun is out where you are.

Friday, April 26, 2002


the sailor man's source of strength is in the spinach....will he eat enough to take on the real american heroes?

(14) Popeye

(3) GI Joe

Place your vote via comment. Voting for this game ends 4/29, 9pm EST.

here we go....round 1, part 2 of the midwest division:
don't forget!! voting for round 1, part 1 closes tomorrow! get your votes in now!!

don't forget to visit pogiboy, superlum, munfung, and apollo for more tournament action.

for the official tournament bracket visit www.pogiboy.com/tourney.html


uh-oh..it's the bartman and homer up against the menace that is dennis...will mr. wilson finally see dennis go down?? YOU decide!

(1) The Simpsons

(16) Dennis the Menace

Place your vote via comment. Voting for this game ends 4/29, 9pm EST.

Thursday, April 25, 2002

pistons rock. the palace was actually loud and people were going nuts...it was awesome. and we won, so woohoo!! boo on chrissy's work for keeping her til 8:30pm and causing her to miss the game. boooooo. it's alright, girl....we still got round 2. ;D and like chrissy mentioned, we gave paolo the wrong directions home (sorry, man!) from bubble bliss, and he ended up near st. clair shores....oops.

muchos props to alvin for setting up the cartoon tourney. so fun!! there goes productivity. =P anyway...you can check for the latest story on the care bears vs. woody woodpecker battle from our correspondent, reporting from hong kong. over to you....derek?

Wednesday, April 24, 2002

going to the pistons game today. game 2 against the raptors. why are sporting events so fun?


are babbs, buster and plucky enough to take out the female warrior and mooshu sidekick?

(15) Mulan

(2) Tiny Toons

Place your vote via comment. Voting for this game ends 4/27, 9pm EST.


new school vs. old school. who will school who?

(10) Batman Beyond

(7) Dungeons and Dragons

Place your vote via comment. Voting for this game ends 4/27, 9pm EST.

alrighty people...vote here for your favorite cartoon...have fun!!
want more?? you got it....

for the official tourney bracket visit www.pogiboy.com.


will the princess of power defeat the almighty robotech? vote now!

(5) Robotech

(12) She-Ra

Place your vote via comment. Voting for this game ends 4/27, 9pm EST.

Monday, April 22, 2002

i think i'm getting sick the way i was getting sick in l.a. i don't mind so much functioning all day with a little bit of a sniffle and cough here and there..it's the whole waking up and being sick that i hate. you know how you can't breathe and your head hurts and your chest hurts and your throat hurts and if you move the room goes round and round and round? ugh. even when it's beautiful and sunny out, i can't get out of bed if i'm sick. and i hate orange juice and everyone's telling me to drink it. HATE. yuck.

right now i'm watching cirque du soleil and the contortionist is grossing me out. how is it possible that her bones aren't broken from doing all that stuff? ewww..

Friday, April 19, 2002

wanna hear something cool? they built a philippine-american cultural center in southfield last fall. but that's not the cool part (i mean, it's cool, but not the cool part i was talking about). .....and now they're naming the street philippine street. cool, right? i thought it was a great gesture from the city government.

Thursday, April 18, 2002

boo. my manager just asked me to stay til 9pm. figures. this stinks. i'm going out for a looong lunch involving shopping.

there's no one here at work...i came in yesterday at 9am, late, as usual, and i got the first parking spot next to the door. usually i have to park on the side of the building when i come in that late. and right now i'm the ONLY one on my side of the office. it's kinda lonely. i was all worried that i'd have to stay late and i'd miss seeing eric's new condo that he bought on tuesday. guess not...yay! i'm gonna go eat fast food for lunch cuz i'm sick of drinking all this water.

Wednesday, April 17, 2002

i think there are naked people running around ann arbor right now. that is, if the cops aren't being dumb and pouncing on naked people in order to arrest them. what if you were that cop patrolling naked mile? haha. i would NOT run after some naked person and take them out in order to ticket them for indecent exposure. run away, by all means. i don't want to see you naked. although, as a part of the umich experience, you have to go at least once just to see it. madness i tell you. i must admit that i'm grateful that i've never seen anyone i know running down south u in their birthday suit. that was a huge tangent. *sigh* my whole point is that an entire year has gone by since my last class, possibly ever. it's like i blinked and a year went by. it's funny how fast time goes by but doesn't at the same time and how easily people come in and out of your life but are still there for the important things. man...i wonder when we're supposed to get over this post-college bump into a part of our lives when we don't look back and see college as the best time in our lives...

Tuesday, April 16, 2002

i'm such a slave to marketing. specificallly, packaging.
my latest downfall: the grab and go cheetos cup.

ups: the top comes off to become a baby bowl for the snack so you don't have to try sticking your hand to get to those final cheetos. it's plastic and reusable if you're economical that way (i'm not...). since it's plastic, it keeps the cheetos from getting smushed during stressful transportation. and it fits in the cup holder in your car.

downs: waste of money. it costs almost two bucks when you can get a really big bag of cheetos for three. =( buy the cheapo ziploc bags and just be more careful during transit.

Friday, April 12, 2002

it's FRIDAY!!!...and it's quitting time. everyone go home or leave work and do something fun except it's raining so you'll have to stay indoors if you're in the detroit area. what a long week. i don't think i've been fully awake the whole time. have a good weekend!!!

Thursday, April 11, 2002

it is SO beautiful outside!!! i ran out to my car to grab something and IT IS SO NICE OUT. =) boo on working indoors. lorie got a rental car for work and for some reason they felt they needed to give her a convertible to drive out to three rivers...we're taking it out tonight. hehe. it's supposed to be like this all weekend so let's do something fun outside. ultimate anyone?

Wednesday, April 10, 2002

can someone please tell me why it is that some people are morning people and some people (ahem, me) are not? i've been having the hardest time getting out of bed and staying out of bed in the morning...not that i was ever very good about it, but it's significantly worse now. usually, i'll just have a hard to getting up. but once i'm up, i'm up. now it's to the point where i will get out of bed, shower, and then go back to sleep. WHO DOES THAT?! me, apparently. showers are supposed to wake you up...and after i finally get my butt out the door, i spend the rest of the day trying to keep my eyes open. i think there's something wrong with me. i need help.

Monday, April 08, 2002

good weekend. alvin is the designated blogger for saturday dinner, so let's see if we can break his comment streak at 8... ;D

i'm "working". i hate this..feeling completely not motivated to work. blah. i've done everything but work since i met with my manager an hour and a half ago. i feel like i'm auto-pilot. maybe because i barely made it into work alive this morning. i'm so tired...i spent the night battling for sleep with my stomach cramps. ugh. guys truly have it easier. must stay awake....my clie is low on batteries, so i can't play bejeweled. i think chrissy's a little bit addicted now....i think we got her hooked on the way home from miami. i feel myself beginning to ramble, so i'll stop myself. happy monday! =P

Friday, April 05, 2002

guess what i saw on my way to work today?


hmmm...march comes in like a lion and out like a lamb?? april...showers?

Wednesday, April 03, 2002

alvin said he might blog today. *gasp* let's see if he comes through.

i spent from 7pm to 8pm tonight doing aerobics at my church with the 35 and over crowd. my mom wanted to go, and somehow got me to go with....i mean these people were hard core...they had the exercise mats, hand weights, sweatbands...the whole bit. i must admit that there's nothing like 76-year-old ladies hanging with the instructor to keep you moving...especially when they do the arm exercises with 5 pound weights where they make you hold your arms straight out for an eternity. *must...keep...arms...out.....old lady next to me can do it....i can do it...too.* haha...i exaggerate, although i was extremely impressed by some of these ladies. not that we were doing super high impact tae-bo aerobics, but i hope i'm in that kind of shape when i get to be their age.

seeing that i was able to do aerobics today, i think i've recovered from the whole dance mix experience. my groggy voice turned raspy almost sexy-connie-esque...but it's almost gone now. i was feeling a little like phoebe, especially when i busted out my guitar and tried to sing and play. i still am not very good at all at all at all....(smelly cat...)...i really need to take lessons. that's the only way i'll really focus and really learn, i think. it'd be cool to be self-taught in something, but i need to be real: i'm not disciplined enough to teach myself an instrument. that, and i'm too anal...i'm big on technique, and how do i find out what good technique is without an instructor? there is only so much a book can tell you. i think i'm gonna go cut my nails now so i can start working on my callouses.

Monday, April 01, 2002

exhaustion has led to possible illness. i've had that groggy voice thing going for the last 3 days....i'm contemplating whether or not i should use it to go home sick. if chrissy had gone home "sick" and met me for lunch, i would have. i think both of us had the guilt factor in the back of our minds, so i here i sit, in my cube.

i'm not sure if i need to iterate the large quantity of people in town this weekend. our daily visits to pizza house were always for a party of 30. yikes. i bet they love us and hate us. anyway..i was a little sad cuz i didn't get to hang out with everyone as much as i wanted to. it was so awesome that everyone came out for dance mix but then it had to be easter weekend and family affairs had to come first. so i guess this means we'll have to get together again soon, huh? ;D just tell me when and where. see? we should get together quaterly....and the way it's working, we're right on schedule. so i guess we're looking at the beginning of july? hehe...start saving you pennies! that's only three months away.