Wednesday, April 03, 2002

alvin said he might blog today. *gasp* let's see if he comes through.

i spent from 7pm to 8pm tonight doing aerobics at my church with the 35 and over crowd. my mom wanted to go, and somehow got me to go with....i mean these people were hard core...they had the exercise mats, hand weights, sweatbands...the whole bit. i must admit that there's nothing like 76-year-old ladies hanging with the instructor to keep you moving...especially when they do the arm exercises with 5 pound weights where they make you hold your arms straight out for an eternity. *must...keep...arms...out.....old lady next to me can do it....i can do it...too.* haha...i exaggerate, although i was extremely impressed by some of these ladies. not that we were doing super high impact tae-bo aerobics, but i hope i'm in that kind of shape when i get to be their age.

seeing that i was able to do aerobics today, i think i've recovered from the whole dance mix experience. my groggy voice turned raspy almost sexy-connie-esque...but it's almost gone now. i was feeling a little like phoebe, especially when i busted out my guitar and tried to sing and play. i still am not very good at all at all at all....(smelly cat...)...i really need to take lessons. that's the only way i'll really focus and really learn, i think. it'd be cool to be self-taught in something, but i need to be real: i'm not disciplined enough to teach myself an instrument. that, and i'm too anal...i'm big on technique, and how do i find out what good technique is without an instructor? there is only so much a book can tell you. i think i'm gonna go cut my nails now so i can start working on my callouses.

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