Wednesday, April 17, 2002

i think there are naked people running around ann arbor right now. that is, if the cops aren't being dumb and pouncing on naked people in order to arrest them. what if you were that cop patrolling naked mile? haha. i would NOT run after some naked person and take them out in order to ticket them for indecent exposure. run away, by all means. i don't want to see you naked. although, as a part of the umich experience, you have to go at least once just to see it. madness i tell you. i must admit that i'm grateful that i've never seen anyone i know running down south u in their birthday suit. that was a huge tangent. *sigh* my whole point is that an entire year has gone by since my last class, possibly ever. it's like i blinked and a year went by. it's funny how fast time goes by but doesn't at the same time and how easily people come in and out of your life but are still there for the important things. man...i wonder when we're supposed to get over this post-college bump into a part of our lives when we don't look back and see college as the best time in our lives...

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