Monday, November 10, 2003

i ate my chicken shawarma sandwich at my desk, and apparently made my entire section smell like garlic. i can't smell a darn thing, so who knows how bad my breath is kicking at the moment. listerine sheets would be useful right now. i had to settle for shocktarts. tangent. know how rubbing your hands on stainless steel under cold water gets the the garlicky and onion-y smell off your hands after you've handled garlic and onions? i wonder if the same would work on your mouth. like if i were to eat with a stainless steel spoon, would the garlic smell go away? i guess it would be faster to suck on a stainless steel spoon, but that's just weird.

the office nazi got kicked out of her office and now has a secretary cube. can you say bitter? she's being nasty today. i hope it goes away.

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