Wednesday, July 21, 2004

to fit an 11"x17" page in a 8.5"x11" bound report you...
1. fold 11"x17" page in half lengthwise, with the right side of the page on top.
2. fold the right side of the page in half in the opposite direction of the initial fold.
voila...the page gets folded to fit in a bound report without having to reduce the page to itty bitty print.  the great part is that it allows you to peek at the title block conveniently located on the bottom right hand corner.  they even have machines that do this kind of thing.  now for almost all of you, you probably don't care.  i, however, am dealing with inadequate folding.  can someone pleeaase tell me how hard it is to fold a piece of paper in half and then half of the half in half again?????  i wish i wasn't so anal.

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